We are a grassroots network for community groups and voluntary sector organisations providing mental health services and support across Sheffield.

our purpose

We create opportunities for people to connect and build relationships across the local mental health system, including both voluntary sector and statutory sector services.Through these connections, we share knowledge and expertise on how local services could be developed and improved, and create space to explore new cross-sector collaborations.

what we do

We meet monthly to grow and strengthen connections across the local mental health system, including both the voluntary and statutory sector.

We keep each other informed by sharing mental health news, updates, requests, jobs, volunteer opportunities, training, and events with each other.

We have representatives attend strategic health system meetings to provide the perspective of the voluntary sector and to advocate for positive change.

our network members

Here are the voluntary sector groups and organisations who are members of our network.

get in touch

Want to have a chat or find out more?
Click the envelope below to contact the network coordinator.